THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. 12 F.EAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL, AaTUSEJIENTS. AMUSEMENTS. EUSIITESS CHANCES I A GULDEN Owxirtuui-- First-cUs cafe, la the heart of city; u.p to a jii buyer; CHEAP IF SOLD IMMEDIATELY Single wtsii-. in; neighis'iaoou; -easy terms.
ji'. TULANE Six words to the line Ppr lln- One time and at Intervals lOcenta One week SOcenU NOTICE. Office tlie New Railway anl Llrht -y. -''I Ua-oiiue street. New Or- rs of Uls cdnpanr.
and Its t- ncre. that i i Cv 1, UH. wnl be paid as i. N. Lliltf 4s, at tha -v 'V i i at the Inter- i'J'e To-Night All WeeK Matinee Nlghta I5c, SSc.
50c, Matinee Tn ROBERT EDESOVS Seawttional Western Drama, WHERE THE TRAIL DIVIDES 'The tnmmon Lj." Sri CRESCENT Next Ak: "Th I amnion hi.ihW"il,.iiiilmi"111 mililllii TUP. WniTNI vtion al bank Would re-ectfuliv j. es: to its ns u.le 1. 1.14.,-d lor now, tar'r 4a that rcpii: trie i '1 ijry u.ay r.e pi.ri..
I '-r I "tvarlin nt f-jrttla a.i la cou- i 1:1. of sime. I'IAi NtE Mm' n- ceiTit'-eic is oc f'm the loui'w Is-n int w.ll t- "on at uiaiurny or u-'- or', nit-d Mates ot ti.e state of or any 1 f. Bonds of ot New Or: ana or a-y o.Ler ti ls. Aov or County TVitIs.
Fnd of ivy Levee Dlst'iot. mm, lisiiAl' a TO-MGHI All Week Mchti Mat- IV fLS GEORGE M- COHAN'S BROADWAY JONES riE-T TIME IN -SEW ORLEsXS Nvt -k: "Urn llur." i I 1 T1 R1IA1 PEC. FREE THEATER TICKETS Smokers of Cigars may go Orleans without KINGS COURT ach nd in exchange for Take bands and Royal Streets, INSURGENT and KINGS COURT to any of th leading theaters in New cost to them. Cigar bands are worth one cent INSURGENT Cigar bands a half cent each any theater ticket desired. to Royal Cigar Store, corner Canal and ret tickets.
MONDAY, DEC. 29, 8:15 P. M. Verleie'a and C.ranewaWa. S1.00.
Kaci subsequent Insertion less than one month One month 6 cents Vn rlirr- i WO llnCS The above rates are for cash with copy. 'Not responsible for error in classified advertisements after first insertion.) WANT AD HOROSCOPE DECEMBER 27 A woman of this birthdate will find success as a teacher, as a musician, or as an actress. she has an ardent love nature and is very fond of her home and children. She is a natural manager and will know how to make one dollar do the service of five dollars. Her fault will be trying- to do too many things at once, an inclination to worry over trifles, and she will talk too much about her own affairs.
However, she is not malicious at heart, but rather will make one of the best and sincerest of friends at all times. Her most happy marriaee will be made with a man whose birthdate falls in the same month or between August 22 and September 2i Clerical positions are well favored by the planetary influences -for the coming week and the Want Ads will be the right medium both for employer and employee. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's gild mesh pnrw. between Mai-fn Blanebe I. Hcltuea Company and tha losmopoiitan Hvtel, on Tuesday evening durin? the hours of 1 to 7 o'clock.
Finder can have contents and wiil be rewanlefl the return of name. T. Anderson, 11 North Kanipart fe-treet. LtST I ptown. laiiW goid wateli aud neek chain.
Return to Camp street and receive liberal rewtiid. IjisX IpiT Fridav, between Canal and Broad ftreets and Cut liall. or Eaplanade belt or Peters ayenue car. TWO NEW TWENTY -DOLLAR ILLS. Please return to Roiui No.
12, City Hitii, nrid receive a reward. Fve, small leather purse, P.aronue, Canal and Grsvier. Reward. 1. LST A y.nie pup.
No questions asked and reward. 434 Dupre. POI ND Ring, on St. Charles car. Loser call ifvvr Fern and identify same.
POI ND Lkk. Omner can have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. K-'5 State street. HELP WANTED 3LAXS CLER1CAU GRBGG SHORTHAND nno.netIonaWy beat; '-oucu O'pewriUng taught, day. night, ll Miei.v, Colleee.
845 C.r..deie. at. la- SfHuK i ti AND. KnHan. Civil Service (wliitesi.
Dav, and Or n'il. Individual instructions. AtiKUstm Coreee! 1J4 St. Charle. Main .111.
STENOGRAPHIC By a bank, aa educated and experienced male stenographer, podsessing a knowledge of Spanish. Apply in a typewritten letter and atnte aee. Do not reply to this advertisement unless you are a first-class man mentally, morally und professionally. aa, 1 ituos-Democrat. YOCN'd man for stenograiibic work, filing, etc.
Write with reference. The Levert L. und S. Lottie, La. AND SALESMEN.
A NEAT young man solicitor. "Apply Beauty I'arlors, M. thanes street. I OCR agresaive salesmen; new and attractive proposition; good salary to qualified mea. 8:30 to 10.
4 to 6. Mr. J. E. Calvin, bib La ion street, upstair.
REPRESENTATIVE wanted In every town. Five to ten dollars daily commls-sioTis. Every auto owner buy. New, fast seller. Be prepared for 1914.
P. O. Box 995, New Orleans, La. SALESMEN to sell 30 lot la Mandeville. near railroad and car line, and within walking distance of the big cawmill; 50c down and 50c per week, W.
B. LANCASTER. S47 CsrondeleT. THF. State Sale Comnsnv Ixick Box 677, Meridian, exclusive distributors of the St.
Louis Cash Register, have a worthy proposition to offer to capable specialty aales- I i i Itrma. S. Sd. L' iitua, -4 'ret. TF.X KSV.
i i i (r.a i CONNOR. A UM KSS. LiH-i I' ELVtK. -Vl- i iPHESS TJ. iiMKS-DKMo.
P.AT. HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESLADIES. TWO neat ladr nlMtAr. to Beauty Par'r. St.
ISC ELLAN EOiS. EXPF.RIRNCED waitrc-i. Grand RestS'irant, 63? Far-. iirwt. LADflifi to Irarn manK-jrir, masaee ex-ei'tioni opjorrunity thu-.
t'aI or write at -n f'r fr-e rat Uosue. Moler S. Katupart tret. SITUATIONS WANTED FE2IALE At STENOGRAPHER, eoilese rm-Mate. with knowledge of Spanish, withtr posi.i'U.
7 Time-Iiemocrit. FT rood cook and aa hoisegirl. Apply 5133 Coliseum atreet. SCPERTOR domestic. Agency, 25:43 Caroudelet.
National Emi lovmeut Phone Jackson 6SH. FOS SALE 11 1 SC ELLA SEOC 3. CAMPBIL') tfl ALITT PAINTS AND COL-OILS. ASPbALT. "Kant-leak kiff READY ROOFING 1.
MI-NT. FIRE BRICK. SKVV'ta PIPE, i'ure Clay Pine. Building Material. ALLEN" TI PI ER.
Pooth Orlesrs. CLEANED citrus seed lu lot rtlt. Box 15. Rayne. La.
DELICIulS holiie-uiinie blend aud UUl biead on sale Christian Woman's Lxchanire. HALL bikii-grade sares and vaults, and seconnbaud: sales opcrted stid rcnnlred. B. G. Hajst-tte.
Albright Vlnot. Agents. fl-H Clall'jrne. Heniimk REbCILX TYPEM, ALL sIAKE.s. GI'-ARANTEED SAME AS KFff MACliiNRS.
FROM J1S I CASH OR MONTHLY' INSl'AIX-M E.N Id. SCfTTMF.RT it WARFILLTJ. 444 CAfP STRF.ET. RAILS; RAILS! RAILS! RA1US! 10 miies fiti-lb. relayers, with fastenings, 10 miles 3o-lb.
relajers, with fastenings. Loi-omotiTes, lopiriua "aud fist car. A. MARX 4 SONS. 643 Tchoupltouias Street, New Orleans, La.
SLRKKY" rlan.irau trail .5. slorm butltty a. ohseron s.o. Ninth. STEAM Is.iler feed or tank pump, TiDili, cetiter packed, duplex, double acting, fine condition.
713 Psimyra. SOAPS! SOAPS! Columhina, octagon shape, with valuable wrappers, Olive, ou, 72 and barj, $1.73. Brown, 90 bars. 1.4T. COI.t MB! A RF.F'ii AND CO.
THREE secori.lh.-uid iron sates; best makes. W. T. Coats. Agent fdebo'il Siife Csroivlelet, motor 3 lo 5 b.
p. eniriue, emii-p't te. Jiisi. Nelsoti, nil Ninth street 60-H. SPRAGUE MOTOR.
GOOD CONDITION, $300. APPLY MANAGER, TIMES-DEMOCRAT. 750 ROLLS 3 ply rubber rooming. 11.25. boo roils 1 ply rubber roofing, 90c.
M. FEITEL. 3722 Tnlane avenue. OFFICC Sll'PLIES. FMAI.L two-door safe, almost new, cheap, y.
NEW ORLEANS. so0 PLAYER-PIANO, a must sell at once; 15 music rolls: beautiful Ss-note mahogany; cash, 323. 97, Times-Denns-rat. ALTOMOB1LES. AITOMOBILFS.
bicycle and cceorie. H. A. TESTARD. corner Banmne and Penlt.lo.
AITO delivery tru k. with top and side curtains; first-class condition: will enhance for Ford runabout or some other make. Apply 724 S. Hagan avenue SECONDHAND auto or every description. Write ns what you want.
Hood Motor Car Company. Ml 13 St. rhaHe street. TO HIRER'S Clonet -Four-ton auto truck, feel. phone Hem.
lb Ii. Yates, 92 1912 PIERCE Arrow automobile, fine condition, very reasonable. S. 42, '1 unes Democrat. Horses, Mule and Vehicle.
A- SOUND, gentle horse, buggy asd a mess. 12S S. ClalUirne. FANCY" young Shetland pony; gentle; children can drive; city broke; also extra fancy bay stallion; 1 year old- lo1 hands bUh; weight lloO cheap. 2019 Uarais.
Phone Hem. 1241. HORSES AND MULES GOOD ASSORTMENT AND PF.ICES CHEAPER. Few extra nice horse in the jot. Horses, mule, wagons and boggle TO HIRE.
KILDI FF BE ALL. 940 Magazine street. Main 2fl. POILTRY AND EGGS. YARD EGGS.
Oc DOZF 4312 B1KNVI LLK STR EFT. YACHTS AND BOATS. GASOLINE boats and engine bought, sold and exrhanged. A. Oerdes.
ri. GASOLINE freight and towhont. 7S feet keel, cheap. A.B. Gerdea, SXi Chart res street.
MOTOR BOAT SI 'PPLIKS AND liA V. GIN'FS. A iker-Doeo an IV. 41 Common st. WALL PAPER WALL rsperinr and painting: prices right; d-p postal.
S'srk. 2ri i-pv. FARM LANES FOR SALE. FORTY sere. Pearl Fiver county.
tnree mne rrona pioni roi ng iand- VZJ luUx monlil; lB II-11 -UAKI PAh.Sii. 20 mue from New tiriean. on river. Tracts to rait pm-cnaser. 'able FOR CANT 'orn TRUCK.
DAIRY. ETC. OX TWO RAILROAD! For Information addre A. Laisseigne, I a or Geo. A.
1. SedLers, 1 ai. RoO ACRES of the finest ri-e land in the State. Address II. Cohn, Box 5., Baton Bone.
I.s. PUPILS WANI2D AT the Twentieth Century beo! Sbo-thsBg (Piwnan and prmi.ii. Copying. 7u3 Canal-Louislaua Bank btuuuiili' an-n snd s'-er A. A.
McN.ALLY. i i Rehool; tar snd niht classes; roinlnic 'and' t. graph work sol; lied. 1 Heuea K.iiu.o, l-hore I ASTRF.IJ.A SI ST Ft S. Viennese Tango, Hesitation Waltx.
Cne-S'c-r. Ail Fancy Stage Pr1r-e eon. COMMErtl I AL Sdlh Uumi a guro7ee rtven trial vou wi.l eam tn 1m-ii7-s I focr niouin or no ty etpected. I none SMI. 14' .1, street.
7 mr pnfM-'ir MONEY TO LOAJt AT HART'S LOAY A XT) SECURITY 2JH Baronne Low rate oa diamond, watcbea mat jeweby, ilAki.J slid laule es at va. 2ti. I lien Loa i ind Jeb-y umpauf I.imPed, Soq'h street. LONG TIME LOANS Msde oa farm and niaatstioBs In Loulslaa Misatss-PPl and Alabama on the olas or tt. Edropean agrn ultural banks for partial piyajent of earo vrr SFf R1TIES COrpANY.
PAID-IN" CAPITAL isai. aitney-Cea-ri! Buliuiug. New Orieans. RENT NOTES PLRCHASF.D. CO 09 HEN EX BLILDING.
A.ON i Lii A r- a iatge quantity of erty id the of Orleans, we stl.l have toi-ohi Mu' eo. go-si in the Sixth. nod Third fi'-t of tbi- ity. 1 brse prope- ties are selected ar-1 'iIoeaier aad investor io neb to i OUALKR REALTY i.Tr.. i i ninnou street.
I RAISFTl I pretlilS sevtl Ss tiiodesTi Apply oa i ji iiEf i i i i i ERAGE; A i lit i -i: 1 iu.i'xw In tb Crv, milvi- "i'i Broad way, Pica aad JeaDuett streets; 1 i t-rrs n-j- j' P-' for a bouse while paying rent. W. R. Gilbert. llesl- ee-e is And hou boulevard, pson n.
2, an. REAL ESTATE EOB EENT A MOT'KBX. delsirtitful 8 room boone. bath, el-rnciiy. 1715 Jat-Ap4u avtoue.
near St. CDariesHS.Uli lily ('bone H-njl'k Sill. A BIG BARGAIN'. will srr.LKA.-i-: siuhe, peb MONXU. Al l'Li jl KilOX.
ivtj-i jLI-Ia. Nrar l4ruuie i'arl or wuuit. Al-piy Xnird. 4116 CANAL I two-etory resi-ienre; niodfrn ri'iiwiM -e ur unturiiiRbed. William I.inij, 21S Bamtine.
CCTJNT2Y EEAL ESTATE FOS SALE. FfN tish Cry lots In Mandeville for S0; terms of 6.ic 1uwu aad per wees: n-ar raUruad and oat and witliiu eav waikiLg ditiHi'-e of the bip W. B. Owner. Came -if IX THE.
LAND OF THE SKY." WILL l.uHd a snmuier down and lue wiil be niie out to you: (fr monta: fix timi and electric liirnted; liardwoxi flcwrb: f-et above uo no hot niirbrs; tiuii-i ns i.e-i! -pot to bur fi.ou N. 'lii i.i.-ii-e hi -i -k N. b-adquar- of tii1 I'n if tti Stjiiiu: aio ItaptiMts, V. SI. t.
Y. W. and Hie CoIolv 0ou.jany: a wbeii' your ratuiiy will lit-i erary treat a at tije various reli(iOH oonteri; rroat from uiffi'roiit jwrts 'f tiie world. buajrukiw wiil p-lTe your Mtiafaett'Mt than an antoiaohile; will hiiiiil clicaper tme if you want. If you are i uteres! ed, write nie.
li. U. Alexander. Bim-fc Mounrain. X.
C. WF. PIT I To F.VKKY $1 UF US' Cut-over pine laud in trai-U of ao, 40, 60 afnn and up. at a i-ry low price and on long tin payments. We also advance lour times your cah payment in tonidiio; marorial and fneinp to improve your place.
of tue overflow distrii. t. Goi nmrkets. roada. achotda cburcbefc.
For free descriptive booklet call or to Gr-at Smthern Lain'ocr louinany. room No. tS Wliituty-Ceutral P.uiidiug, New Or-I'sns, la. VAMEO TO FXCHAX. Ich-in-e fse for winter of g-oot) uirSied.
ioV one Lere' WANTFIi to houst GULP COAST PE0PEE.TY FOR SALE OR FOR SALE, or will eicranre for city property, attractive Iwucalow on l-eacb at Kay St. Loiiia. Ai.ply Alfred F. Pose, krti Common t-eet. DIVIDEND NOTICES BANK OK ORLEANS, NLW ORLEANS, LA.
At a rtular muntliiy uieeting tf tue of Diriitors. held or. Uednesdtiy, Dec. Jit, im.l. a dividend of FoI'K i4 .001 DOLLARS PER iiliAKb was declared out of the earniu's of the batik tor the s.x ln-intlis Dec.
ol, 1913, payable on and afier JAN. 1, 1H14. to share hoidet-s of record at the cioe of liusins Dec. i4. lU13.
JAS A. RoIilX. Cashier. OFFICE op KW "OKLEUiXS RAILWAY AND LIGHT S1 "Baroune Street, New Orleans. 1., Dec.
9, litis. At a nieet'm; of the Board of Directors, held Dec. 9. F'13. a dividend of DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CKXTS il.
i was to each share of preferred stock for the quarter endtns Deo. SI. 1113, to preferred stockholder of record 10. 1813. payable I 'EC.
31. 11)13. Transfer books for the preferred stock will be closed from Dec. 20 11113, to Jam. 2, 1914.
CWi-ks will he (. JOM III H. 1 Secret a ry OFFICE" ORLEANS RAII.W.AT AND LIGHT COMI'ANT, l-ol Baronne Street. New Orleans. Dec.
9. 191 At a meeting D'j'j I'- a dividend of HFTY CI NTs iS.ofii was declared to each share of common stock, to comm. srockholdet-s of record Dec. 20. DEC.
31. 1913. Transfer t-ooks for the common sto'k will be closed f-om Tec. 20. 1813, to Jan 1914 Check will he mailed.
At a mectoi of the Board of Di-eetor, t-o'd this drty. a blend of SIX iStii pti! 1.AI1S PFK SHAPE was de. oet of the earnings for the six months ending Dec. 31. payable on doinsnd on and after Jan.
2. Ibl4. to share holders of record Dec. ,51. 1bl YHT Cs.hler.
CITIZENS' BANK AND. TRl'ST COMPANY of Louisiana. New Orleans. Dec. 22.
1913. At a meeting of the B- rd of Director. Bold this day, a semiannual dividend of three dollars per share was declared out of the earnings of the past six payable January 2. 1914. st its banking- house, to share- bolder ot record Deoemtier 22.
1913 C. GltEMER. HIBERNI.A BANK AND TRT'ST COMPANY, i New Orleans. Dee. 23.
1913. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day. a i dividend of five and fifty cents (5' per cent i per share was declared for the quarter ending Deo. 31, 1913. payaole on and after Jan.
1914 to shareholders of record Dec. 23, 1913. (11 A RI.ES T.A I.FR FY, Ca sh ler. NEW ORLEANS ATION AL BANK AT THF. meeting of the board of director of the NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, on ltecember 23.
1913. a dividend of Four dollars per out i of tbe earnings of the six months ending Deoem-lier 31. 1913. was declared payable to share-bolders on and after 2. 1914.
FRANK K. P.IFSS. Cashier. STATES SAFE DEPOSIT "AND SAY-lngs Bank, New Orleans, Deceiiilier 24. 1913 At a meeting of the I-id of Ditoctor.
held this day, a seuiiantiual dividend of six dollar tne six montlis ending December 31. 1913. pay- aide oa demand on and after January arehoiders of re-o-d on Deoemb W. MI1.TENBERGI.R. Custiier.
WANTED TO PUitCHASl A LIBRARY or slttine rwra set (mission pre- ferredi. late pattern, first-class ordi reasoa- Also instantaneo is beater. f.2. iiiiiiii A i 1 ii.Kr. KIMiS SCR AP Hi' 'N, ZiNC.
LEAD. AT M. S. 2733 TCHOI ot I A T. PHON I f'TrtWV 41- lohhfT pries paid tor and sold: 'id cbdus.
Katr, 1 tilture; fHugnt Camp street. job street, buy contents of stores snd offb'e for ra-h. Oatsi 1 sales solicited, plenum stora re i none vinin 3i.i. "sPOT'ciTsb seendband furniture a lid antiquia.
M- I'- Ciiartr WANTED heifer ii I HIT Oil to 'be 1 11 TUE It IlkhK 1 'B'K ill: Al. Pi that are obi eu for immediate breedbtg perpse. Must ststw good inarkifg. con ion and be choicely bred anl i-niividnals, guaranteed to be immune to Uvr add t-ihercu-ar tested. Name lowest p'd-e wrre bi iiarticulars in -st K.
Mi WE lb FT'' i Gs APARTJENT A FINE upper apur'mcBt (tinf Ibi4 Ano-iia. c-tie- a do'et. APARTMENT. 1 RN im, pi new; diip.ex; unsle-r: let heat, hot water S'Stetu, larje ca: erics and yard, tbe rron'a of January. February.
Ii Ss. APARTMENT, furnished; entire lower floor of boit.e; six nitus, bath, eat try. closet, airy bails, caiieru-s. ebs-tnc i.thts; ideal location: 32-5,w street. i i nt 1 1 1 i a pa nt7 il l.N I EN IEXCE.V ,1 AG AZI BEAUTIFUL f'arrii-hed stmr'tnicnts, of Catwl.
1019 Car'ii'i et. walking 'T LlGlll hLiilseke, plug fiti'-o: pi phone, i 1 tile VP ELV F' PENT. 1 Ki IN. Al ART.wE.NI WANTED TO RENT. ANTFD Fnrri-bed ara-tmert for adtlt; ronst be r.icsiern and desirable iooa'ioa.
1:15, 1 lme-limoe-at. WANTED TO BORROW WANTF3N to Porrow ino for three tnontts; gilt-edge toilatcraL ta, Tiaie-Encrat, 'o vuiiMuoa arable I i i I 4 1 at tiie Interstata 4 Fv cr at lb Intorstata 1 V. 4, at to Wbit- "1 st Tt.c it at the Atarriraa Ttnat Me. 1' Co. bs at tbe Merehinta tJ-" I.u-a.o.
I.i. -s- i 1 at trie Fidelity b. (-1 NTOt'. Tteasnrer. A 1 dera" "of the P-oo-l ts called tor .1 -to at off ce M.
v' r. i at 11 a. m. 1. i 1 are-e in a the a 'f will be I re urge.1 to al II Mosvs, sV-cretary.
1 Sara. li.l.t. XFW' i THE IV Ul.l-.ANS WAl I rt il'Li berel to'tifu-J that toe a a tTi'rs wi.l be held at t.e ot ue c-'Oorjv, tamp srrter. MoNiiVY. YUY 5.
between tne hoiirs if a in. an-l p. ni. the transfer w-'i be Deceuilier 2, 1913, to ti, A. WIH'I- OFFU'R OK WAV ORfllANM STORAGE AND b'tKLiitil Y.
LTD. Hoiders of bonds of t. are btrehf that the 1. Id! I. will le paid "ii at tbe ConiUierxlal-tienuaiiii 'i'rdst av: cs S.
J. D.Lvi'IlivlX. "SUV obi.l" NSLA.Dta- firm of 1 1 i at has th.a dav Neil All purtte uav.nit clanns against said fitui Wiil lo the uuder- -ned, ftju wui the name liquidation. C. A.
TEis-slEli. NCW Of; LI ANS, Dill'. 1913 WB, the na itns oay formed a eo-(artnership under the fiuu of C. A. TEH.
SIER for llle purpose of conducting a general real est busuie-s to ell its hraucu, wiui off ne at No. 134 Can. r.dc'et street. C. A.
KNslh K. C. A. TES.MEK, JR. ROOIiIS WITH BOARD A PEAt TIES ro-ic I (lot rooms; screens, r.ccirio he i tr home; spacious ssr-aad cold water la fans, phone: steam ei'VKe; inodei a 'e.
bsol Canal, and ruouis; prl- Pr'-nii. ATI RAlllVE Tste lath. AT 1-33 rooui; hot Br.bLiN t'Stit. t-h M'. at references.
Ai' 2iio ST. Cll U.i-r-S ris.tits, Nard. E.Ni HilKlsjuit Nliss 1' ilnla Forl. AT 1032 ST. CI1 ARIES ATE.
AT 1. 11 ST. Cli.Aii.Lhdi AVE. i.i.'tnl front snd other rooms; bowrd, modern couvcnleucaa; garage. Ai i a 1 ii cN ia re: in lent hi aid: balh, i hone.
41o5 Der ed home xoek-Caruu deiet, coc- At 90l Cauqe With ts weei nt niesis up; siuhic, douoia AT 2010 st. Cbanes Ave. laiKe, airy rooms, with lioard. Phone Jackaon l-9 L. ATTRACTIVE, larxa rooms; excelfent b.rd; large grounds; modem; rcferetn c.
lhlT Napoleon aeiiie. AT hrou. 332 1 I t) lau.a -St. Modern Ht act! vo rs.ll's; go home; vieeucd i h. I board.
Al" b' PRY I A MA DEM o.i.i. 1 1 hi GUI' A Boill'o. I.EASANT Roo1- A I 133 1 nivei-nv Fiace. Atnorican or F.urojiea Tue smia M.ierti. Ro AC 1421 St.
Clonics Ave. Eie'alll rooms; be-t lionid; pnvate, modern home. ATTRACTIVE! large front rooms, excellent board; ail uijbera couveuieuoes. 4'kil Prytauia strr. A CONVENIENT lame ground; mc.lern excelieut table board; refereui es.
1745 1'rytauia. AT Jackon Aven ie Elegautly furnished, screened front rooms, private bath, e.ectrieity. AT 12b3 St. Charles Ave. Beautiful front rooms, balcouies, nome e-oosing; hot batns.
electricity; reiuicl riiii-Htigs. Phone J. 1 1 Ifc ACCOMMODATIONS in evr-luslvebom private bath: tsfeicuce. 2lsll bu Charles. Phoua Jackson 942.
1347 Cheerful. weil-veotuaieil boiird; e-n. J. 974 W. A RON 113 Eiegnntiy rooms, nriitie bath; others, bath ailjoialbg.
J. loos VV. DELIGHTFUL front ro tn. superbe board; private faudly; referynces. l.J'X Felicity, corner Chestnut.
Pi Colo' eiuiii roofi! t. M.i Cue laote, ail uiolera et IF.LIGH i nsuiis, with board, street, near 1'ark. i'lione Calhoun Uptown 2279 W. FOR couple or geutiemau. nice room; niodera I a li.
Sl.ld ST. CHARLES A EM lb Mil 1SIAN AV riKiins; rveMoct ta 1 3. i honrd aMi it'll iirni-bed Phone Up. iS7: MAGNOLIA MANOR 1912 ST. CHAItl.FH HandxiLieiy furnished; excellent cuisine.
Phone Jackaou I'll .2. Vua. C. A. Pitcher.
Al.l'l- il "ilol sjx SI. "OHAKLKA. STKI" "1LY TRA.NSIEX1S SOU-CITKD. ST. HAiiI.Es IRAN Bo RD .1 hT i Hop iss kOuMS BATHS r.
Cil VRLiXS NY HooMS; TRANSIENTS; TAB I BOARDERS sofhlTFD. 5 TO 7 'AN' f. sx PI ELK; TWO ft. BI 1 1V.4 I1KNKY CLAY AVE. M.xiern hotna; lavaiory in rooms; private bath, electric bMs.
pno-ie i jitown lisil L. 2715 hT. CH.AiU SpStOOMS ItrOulid; otrr -ilanilwoii fruoi room; fsiin: Al fable. NAPOLEON AVh, TWO N'lcKLT FCR-NISliED FROST Rooms. Mini EVOF.LLE.NT TABLE AND SERVICE: RF Kit NC K.S.
61S Sol I 11 Street, opp, it I.alave nb-e room, excellent board, t5 to 4-'t ite f6. Main ROOMS FOR RENT A CENTRAL LOCATION. T'n ST. CHARLES; COM FOR I A LE li) AT A 1 44041 AT CAN.M A.i" front rooms. Biouera; 'si a-1'! 4 iii t.ali.T Al 1,411 Juila, Cor.
St. ualdei. Doubie, sla- gle h'i -ek ee-c -i nf. ALL large rooms, reasonable; private tawny, i'n'jn iTytanla. JS' kson niH AT ltl Erato.
Near St. Charles Two rooms. for litfUt housekeeping. CARON'DFLET. 17 Nicely furulsheil rooms: bot and cold tatii.
Cfit PI.F. to sha-e fumlsned rn.m with owner: des'rable iisation; reasonable rat. 43, i Time I leliau ra DFLlGH'lllL fs.ui, larse and small. lOii ft, I a- ristrn wafer. LAid.E front r.
front gallery: a 1 1 ni'e i e-. 17, St. I 'are av. NEW F.viI'.Tl' HO rFL." 5 i is, wk on. I and double ndeiers roavea- ieoees.
sb5 Eamtine street. "19 CAMP -1 rout ho.tsekeeping flats; ite rjn- weV'. lelM. 4414. i CAMI" Mcei'.
ihed. sunny rwomi" 5 modern, central; rJ housekeeping a io-mmT H' 1 i. ALLEN Large aad neat'y T.nisK..( ceotrally kxtated- V.n 4t4t W. ROOMS WANTED. FOR three months.
In steam or fumse heated for -1 til wi'n use'.g rooa and for bbt hoos f.Jr. n--be; -r 1 no chi.dren. 5 Titte's-I'i-tiiis tat or f.el'ght I Bousexeeom-: fatlli'v of 'h-e; no hi'dren; not flo-r 15 minute from shopping di-trlet; 'good nezhborbooi ref er-ences o' ecro.rj to' share h--i-e with family. Addles II 9i -I. Whitney Balk Buibltog.
BOARDERS WANTED TWO large room, sdtotrllnr hfh tiemen: with utng no o'her hoa rder street VI. mm bu irtrit AA wait. 4T 14'2 ST. IRY Dellirhtf-il rooms- hot -O. BUSINESS PZK30NALS HATS AND FEATHERS rland and dyd- fk.
it 1,1. near l.n.,, fc PIANOS TUNED, $1.00 WORK GUAR A 17', L. Jiil CAN AL STREET. tViRK iitl.N.i AND VA EAT tit It tTKIPlT E. is.
ivEiiib Ho 'A' AUD AVE. MAIN men. former casa register, scale, adding chine, typewriter and other pecialty salesmen fan mialif mrtll vivAn with xorrcn to of thv. gfr- Mt.V-A.MFl.u A NAlloNAX BANK UK NEW Olii r-ANS. New Orleans.
Nov. 2S. The fc.iMers m' tbe cai itai st.x of the bank of new ORLEANS are hereby m.tiiieu that, pjrsuatit to a resnlutivn of tbe Board of Directors, adopted at its ni'-enug held this da, a meeting of the ekbolder of the Oermaj-Amc: ic.i'i National P.ank of New Orleans twn en. led. to be heid at its banking hou-e.
rtlti c.viai t-iet. at the bo'ir of 1J n.ea. on 11 FSDAY. I'FC. 3.
for the irisise ef con-ub ring C' prnpied arrange nie at between tlie Gcrui.m-Amerlcan Xatlnoai Bauk of New anl Banit and Trust Company of New Orleans, win. has ten unaniinou-ty proved bv tbe Board of ti.rectora ef the National Bai.k of Orleans, and to that end 1. To consider the proposition to pUre the German-American National P.ank of New Orleans Into vcicctary limitation aud to vore upon sU'-ii proposition. To elect UQiiirlators for the fmrposa ot mid 1 hould th vole be In favor of ini'iidiitloii. 3.
To authorize and errumwer said liuuitlcr to transfer and convey the business and assets o. said bark for so'-h consideration such terms and conditions as may be fixed by sail stockholder in meeting assembled. 4. To sac: liqui iators to do and perform ail such other acts or thing and take su. a treasure as he to complete the liqub latum is bank.
By oruer of Chu Hoard of Directors: W. IP.F1Y'. Presides t. F. rUFTyil.
Cashier. xotick to snrFtioiTERs of thf. f.F.n- A.V-AMr Rlt'AN SAVlNiiS AND TlilSl' COMPANY OF NEW OKI KAN'S. New Ot ieans, I Nov. 1913.
ho'der of the capital siocs of the tiKR-V-CX-i MF.iilCAX SAVINOS BYXK AND COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS, are berei.y m.Mfied that, pursuant to a l.solntlon of Board of Director adopted at its meet-iti held on the 2Mb instant, a meeting of stockholders of the Orman-Auierieaa Savin-s Bank and Trust Company of New Orleans. called to be heid at It banking h'ne. No. tl22 Cauat at the hour of 12 cit on EDN LSI i A Iw. 31.
1913, for the purpose of considorinc the proposition of placing the Gorman-American Savinns Btnk anl Trust Com; -nv Into voluntary liquidation, and to vote it on such proposition: to elect liquidators for the purpose of liquld-'trg sail bank, should the vote be In favor of liquidation, and to authorize and empower said liquidators to do and perform ail such other acta or taints and take such measure as may be necessary to comj lete the iioni da' ion. By order of t'e Board of Director. WM. P. BCKEK.
President. JAS. P. BfTLFR, Vice President and XflW or.IEAXS. PEC.
1. 1913. XOTtCK hereiiy cin to the holders of the KI'-K WFN Alt FRITT AND LAND O. OF PORTO RICO that a Li'eting of the will be held on JANTAHY 1... 1'14.
nt Bi ob lock a. In the of'i'-e of the company. No. 713 Hennen Building, this ci'y, for tbe purpose of amending the dvirter so as to Increase tbe capital stock to SlTrfl OOO- rhe Increase of to be preferred rtock. nrsm such term and oondlflons as said meeting shall decide, and i for sn Ii other business as may come before the meeting.
tu-Tteii m. KAN. METROPOLITAN BANK. NEW OPLF AN'. December 11.
1913. At meeting of the Board of Directors, held this dnv. a SRMI N-N I AL DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT i5 1 was declared, payable to siockholders of record Dec. 24, 1913, on and after January 1, 1914. A.
C. WLLKPEL, Casuier. THE ANNEAL MFHTINQ OF THF. of the NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, for the election of rifteen dirwtor to serve for the ear. will te held at the bunding house, Cau.p and Common streets, oa TI i.sD.AY.
JANI'ARY 13. 1914, between the hours of 10 o'ekx a. tn. and 2 D'rlik in. FRANK E.
RIESs, Cashier. WnrTXKY-CFNTRAL TRT'ST AND SAVINGS BANK, New Orleans, Dec. 13, 1913. The nnnnul meeting of the shai hoider of the WHITNEY-CENTRAL TBI ST AND SAVINOS BANK, for the election of directors, will held at its banking house on TI J.A.NTaRY 13, 1914, between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 2 p. W.
The anmisl meeting of the shareholder of tbe COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, the election of director, will be held st the hanking house on TI JAN. 13. 1914, between the hour of 11 Wok a. m. and 12 o'clock noon.
1913. The stroal meetlne of the share, holder of the II I BERN! A NATIONAL BANK, for the election of directors, will be held at the banking house JANI'ARY 13. 1914, between tbe hours of 11 a. ni. and 12 m.
CHARLES Cashier. ilAVTN'i IcElliiED FROM ACTIVE BI SI-ne-s iwveral years sin. and given public Bttice to parties to call for their documents, papers, this is to notify all parties having papers, documents with me. that unless thev are called for within thirty 30i days, the same will lie in a safety vault of some bank in this city, sol-beet to their order, WILLIAM H. HOACiiTT.
VI Conmiofi THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE STOCK-holder of tue Orleans Casualty Coio'ia-iv will iie held at the home of'iee of the com torn 6i'bt'd i Ei FA i i I 1 i 'i ejty Orieans, on TUESDAY. January 13th. 1914 s-tww the hour of 12 m. and 1 p. for the election of a Board of Director for the ensn-ing years, in accordance with of tiie charter.
HORACE P.I'OWNELL. Sc. re-a ry -Treasurer THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THF. STOCK-hoblers of the Motrotrfiiitn Bank for the e'ec-tion of dire, tor ir the year 1914 will he heM at the hanking house, at the corner of Camp and Poydra street, on MONDAY. January 12th 1911, between tbe h.vtrs of 12 o'clock noon and 2 p.
2'2. The annual meeting of tbe hareh.lor o' thp rnMMF.HOIAL-GFR.MANM mi sT A SAVINGS RANK, for the eiectioo of directors, will Is held at the banking bmise. fM Common stre-t, on MONDAY. January 5. 1914.
between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. aad 12 i-lo, noon. owfx VIN'cfvt rin.P. BANK op ORLEANS.
New Orlean. fjt Th annual meeting of the shareholder of tha Park of or'eans. for the election of plreetor, si lie at the hanging hcuse on TieMlav Jatinary 13. 1D14, ttween tne hour of a. aud 1 i.
In with section 3 of the charter, the annual meeting of the memljers i of th a- will be held at the office of the corporation, '24 Gravier street, on Monday, January 3. 1914, at 2 p. fur the purpose e. Meg Directresses to serve for the ensuing jear. MUjj.
UK, S. PAUL, Acting eeretary. FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE AND P.ENF.VO-lerit Association oT New Orlenus. Buildi-e. St.
Cha-e Street. New Orleans. i.ij.i The members of this aocati are tha the fo rtn q'i rt-r of 1'tbl ex; ires on th 31st Instant. Members faoing to ay th'r on lie for said date becf.tae Se Artb-V Kil CoDst'ttition. JIS.
it.A' rCTlN. Secretary and 1 reasur'er. CAN.G.-I.oi l-'WA FA vs. CH 1 HI COMPANY" OF Nt RLE A Xe- Orleans. Nov.
Is hrerr gbeo a' meeting of the of I'A L-LOf I I A A HUK AN, iilisT CIC.U'ANY i iv FANS be be id ar banking Vese sai ci i.p.-, iv in i i dry of NVW Orleans oa I'i' C. bo, I .13. 12 o'clo-g for the por of a.i v.c ooorj Oi An ini ioi' to ArtSi le 1 ef th Charter of ti loratlon relstlve to tha nat- and 1 of i-i An ameO'lment tT Artiibe VI of the charter of th. corrio-a-ioe reiarW to The number of pre--, lent and tbe cf 'h'-'r cf. -i and For tie -trpo-e cf triia' such oth.
Mi! ne, a as may be brought be tor S' Id meeti. g. By order of tb ard of L. P'Ao'TN' rss. NOTICE.
of the stork, i nf is BI aM LA Nil IMPROVE- i' A i iN. Lidl Ti- f. for the MLNT T' of DL'-er-tors f-r 'ae year 1914. will he fce'l la'ioU, -C'rt l.l New Or ea-is. on V.
IND.AY.'jW UARY pl 4, betwe-i tas bo-irs of 1 'snd 3 o'ciock p. in. EDWARD EIGHT03, (II ST 8UBSCRIPTIOX SI(iKT) BanpMne Theater PHONE MAIN 3359 Matinee 8m1ay. Wed. and at.
at 2:15. f.rery Nijrhr at 8:15 o'dvk. LOUIS DEAN PLAYERS, with MINNA PHILIPS. In -1HE CHARITY BALL" fcy raTid Bo and H. C.
De Mille. PRICES: and 3io; 1'-. 'JIM-. UD NEXT "t'EKK-Kw tti- first time in New 1 Orlenus. "Alias Jimmy Valentine" GREENWALL TWO DATS DEC.
A Nil JAM 1 Matiuees I'allv. LILLIAN RUSSELL And Her P.ic Feature Festival. Incl'iding 'Cm. Farm. in in "Yimiiiius." 40 PAMUI ARTISTS 40 Prices.
fttc to CHARTER CMTED STATES OF AMF1RICA. STATE OF Il'IStNA, PARISH OF ORLEANS' CITY OF ORLEANS: BE IT KNOWN. That on this 17th day of tus month of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, before me. John alonxo Wwoviiie, a notary public, duly eonaiiissioieu and qualified iu and for the Parish of Orleana, State of and In the presence of I he witnesses, hereinafter named and tiuderiiigned. personally came and appeared, the parties whose naiuas are hereinafter fcigtied, all of lawful are and residents of this parish, and who declared that they hereby form and organise themselves into a corporation under the laws of the State of Louisiana, iroveminir the organ nation and toruiation of corporations.
bu wgree as toiiows: ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be THE PAX-AMERICAN DISTILLING LTD. ARTICLE II. The domicile of the cooiDanr ia herehr de- I elared to he and fixed in the City of New Or- ewiia, or ARTICLE III. The capital sto.
of the said company is hereby fnd at fifty thousand dollars dtvined in lo one tlKmsnd shares of the par value of fifty dollarsifio) per share, which shall only he issued f'w cash or other property, or f.H- service, rendered to the corporation a's determired by the board of directors hereinafter provided for. Thi corporation shall become a coint: concern, snthonxed to do business, whenever twenty-fiie thousand dollars (, wurtli of the st.tek I subscribed and paid for, either in cash or for valuable consideration. ARTICLE IV. The objects and purposes of this corporation are vo estauiiso ana operate one or more alcohol distillerie-i and to enpase in the manufacture, of all kinds and qualities of alcohol aud ita oy-proauct. jo acouire by purchase or otherwise any pater'a or rifrht of process wuerely alcohol Jy le uiaiie.
Tn own or lease such real estaie, barvc. steamboats, (kxks, tracks and teruunals and ail other equipment for the convenient and expeditloua hanoliug if its prmluLts aud to do any and all thiuts nne. sary for the auccessful carrying out of its buslnesa. ARTICLE V. The affalra of tins coriwration sha'l he msujired by a toard of directors elected by the stveknoiders, which board shall cousist of five mem tiers, which snail, from mnnc their uum-ber eiect a president, vii president and a secretary treasurer.
The first board of directors shall be composed of the following named gentlemen, who shall serve also as otfu-ers of the said comun.v, in the capacity herein set after their names: Charles Levy, president. Henry Hirtch, vice president, R. A. Huycbe, secretary-treasurer, Harry G. Tague.
I. E. Potw. The named board of director aud officers shall continue In office from the date of incor until th first Mondsv of January. 1W1S.
Thereafter on the first Monday of January of each succeeding year a hoard of directrcs shall be elected by the stockholders, each share of stock beine entitled to we vote" at a reyuiar meeting: and the board of directors' iminediat-ly after tine elected, shall proceed to elect officers from tueir number ARTICLE VI. The board of directors shall have full power to fm In their Dumber caused bv death, r-sicnatlon or otherwise from amone the stockholder of the corporation. TheT have full control of the property of this company and shall so conduct, manage and use the same a in their discretion thev mar deui fit. and aa consistent with the objects of this company, or with the welfare of the same Th said hoard shall bare the right to form an i adopt such by-laws, rule and regulati.wis as the and business of the corpora; I mnv require nd they may deem iieceHT the conduct and mansgeroent thereof ariicIe VII. This corporation shall exist for a period rlnety r.lne years, uniesa sooner lilssoived in toe manner pointed out by law ARTICLE VIII.
The dissolution and lkjuldatlon of this corporation may be had upon a three-founfis Tot of tbe sink bolder, at a apecial meetlrj called for that piirre. at meerin three Immi-Catlm commissioner shall be electe-i by a nia Ul auu liquidate the bnsicesa. Tbu done and passed in my of ftr st the City of New Orleans on the day, month and year ber ti first written In the cf J. L. Wsrren Woodvilie and Joha Newu-rv competent who hereunto sign with the said apoesrers and me notarT' after dte reaaicg of the whole Signed! CH ARLES I.FVY.
A. WO0DVII LE, Notary Public. A trne copy, 1. A. WoADVH.t E.
Notary Public. I. tbe nitderot trued. Recorder cf Mortgage in and for the Parish of Orleans. State cf ana.
do hereby certify that tne above srd foregoing Act of Incorporation cf tbe Pan-A men Dtatiiling Company. was this dav duly recorded in my oftce in Book illy, folio 249 New Orieans, Nov. la. 1913. EMILE J.
HERRKK AND WELLS, haracter, de Eitif. JOHN" A. Vt E-T AND His GRAND OPERA LA UtN CKO (O, "Baman port and Ptime LA ELL AND FINNEY. A Southern Reverie. SELECT PHOTO PLAY.
COM1MOIS MlOW XMA DAY. Yale Glee Clubs CONCERT ATHENAEUM TO-NIGHT AT 8:15 Good Seats One Dollar P-s Office Grwaewald Mnaie Store, CANAL PR0P0STt PROPOSALS FOB PUMPS AND FLOOD Galea. Seaied proposals will be recelred by tbe feaeragt and Water Board, fifth f.our Cit lisil Anne. New Urieain. of.
la 12 o'clock ta. TlliSIUl, JANUARY li14. (or illuia ad fland rs tea iCootrart WPt. plans will for. Sbed ou oeMit of Tae right ia reserxd rejett any or aU lild.
GEO. O. FARL. General Superintendent. P.
H. fiHIFLDS. Secret ry Ibolosalj, I UK I LI-JTUICAL MAi iilNLKk AND DRAINAGi; CANAL W'ullK. Isrpaiat aeaieo proposals wid received by the bewerage and Water board. Room Sus, City Hall Antui New tr.eans.
op to 12 o'cKak Roon. FRIDAY'. JAN. 30. 1314.
for Contract JC Ple-trical Mm hinery, and Contract t3o-i Drainage Canal Wore. for both contract farmatxd i i on de-toit of. resictie'T. and 110.00. tno right la rraerved to reject in or all bids.
GEO. G. FARL. General Superintendent. F.
S. fHIFTfiS. Seeretatv. FkOKAI FOR THE OF Irno Steep fvrap ottered lor aale by the Urhaii.m anal aud hlrb it longer i.eeoed s.e,4i preiils will 1 re-T'ed at the office tlve co-rat 1'urchasing fflcer, Istbmnin Cntml Commission. asMna-too.
I. C. until 10 a. in Jnrma ry 22, 1M14. at which time they wiil be opened to public, for purchasing the atxwr-iiientloned article.
Blanks i general information relating to this Circular Plrt'i. may be obtained frmn office or 'he office vi the Assistant Pnrching Airenta, 14 Stat street, Nw York city; 14 Wnitnev-fVntral ui. New O'b-ans, and 1'S) Noctb Point trt. Sati Pranctw-o. also from the S.
Pngiiieer Offices in the follow-tng cities: Seattle ah Ixw Angelet Cat; Hkltinsnre. Md ipbia. Pa Plttsburc. Boston. B'tftaio.
N. Cleveland Ciotinnati. Ill fit. luis Ie'roit. Milwaukee.
St. Paul, Coattsnioc ivil'e Kc Mobile. aad Galveston. Commercial Ciob. Kansas ity.
bun. 1st of Commerce. C'ttlKT. ILi asd Commercial Tacoraa. Wasb.
F. C. Bocf. Ma.ior. Core oT Engineers.
1 Geserai Pnnhastnr Ofr.cer. deT CHEW NOTICE Neither the owners, captatn. nor undersigned for any debts contracted by the new of Austrian ''emhin Clara, Capt. Jflbm Prigl. FRANK A.
DAXIFLS. An-nt. v'arxnoeler s'ret. C0NSIGNEEE NOTICES The Austrian et-antship Clara. John Piaster, ia new at Stuyveaant Do.
oesumeea wi.l pi-aee ciaae cns.oms etitrie, and io toe eery ci ptioas to taeir cooMini-rteyt. or tuey wnl he stored at their and ripenao. As no claim fir oaniared wi.i Se a. lowed nti.c mtwtasiUatesl on the levee before such has iieen taken awav, coosnee re and save tmtiMe and to a1! cooc-r-ed tv having deverv taken tr some eoreretect An order for toe of the roods must be from this c-tTice. wbich toll tie granted oci parnteot of freight.
Ail men bitniiise must Mn-ned i'h-in ertv 'oBT atter 'orbarve: etnee-aiw It will stored. Coo. will pieaae artaora wth ree iore for tmrktog and piling and save ts.a anl watchiug by Intnaed.ate (1-npri. PRANK A Ajrent. .121 rrro-oefleT fity PERSONAL AT STtTv Scctrb collie MHor Wkite: also "to te-r-r ie put sale.
Tnian 7 T-a sven- I F.A UTT rF)n AUSTS. rrake a.l creams powder ar.d toaie used br t.s; give all the frrent massages, remove -rerf bar and wrinkVs: redufing cn: a n-iaitT; rest, ire th tie. 116 St. street. MaiB so I AM pot reers-nsilbe for anv det-tbat tB wife, bsmh Celesta.
sb-M eortr-t tA ILJJS CELPSTArx. OslLivii sno fpn-y oj rioacbcd and dyed. Ai.berauig. Sib toyai. "I niunerative commission" contract and cah advance on all orders.
Retired merchants or any capable busine men can handle our proposition: only men ot good character and perfectly reliable need apply. New Orleans, Natchea, Hattie. bttrg. i.utfport. Mcksburg.
Columbus, Mobile. Montgomery. Birmingham and other territories o(en. Apply at once, writing qualification and references. Our sales manager will make an appointment and talk business with yon at once.
Tuis is an unlimited opportunity to connect with a money-making proposition. MECHANICAL. SECTION foreman. Send name and address. name of road employed on to Box 193, Gulf port.
iss. No strike MISCELLANEOUS. i-i Cyonoanv around floor Aiuhi- turn Building. COMPETENT and experienced raiinoad wrecking foreman. Apply P.
O. Box 1710. FOR 8. AEVT A Die-nodi ed unmarried men, be, ween age of lb and 35; cltixen of tnited States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tbe English language, lor Information apply to Recruiting Of-'i. er 3'7 "hirle street.
New Orleans, a. INSIDE steward wanted; must have good ref-erem-es. 8, Times-Democrac MEN to learn barber trade; easy work, big wages; few weeks completes by our method; wages woiie learning; loots lumisoea; excep. Tionai opponuBils uuw. van vr wniv ii ouve fin- free illustrated catalogue.
Moler Barber College. 123 S. Rampart street. Established 1S93. MEN to learn barter trade; wages while learning; tupls given; Ksitiou secured.
New Orleans Barber College. M12 St. Charle Mtreet. NUN' NION telegrapher to take place of men on strike. 94.
Times-liemocrat. e. Sei; mobiles. We secure positions, guarantee chauf feur license. W0 Julia street.
QUALIFIED assistant druggist; state refer- ences. Apply b7, Tlmes-l'emorrat. I ft, your spare time to build up a mail order business of yonr own. We help yon start for har in profits; 7 opportnnltlea. Par- .1 I 1 AnMnnltlM I' -vv- I I SIIERS, age is to 15, Apply Lafayetta Theater at 2 p.
m. daily. W.AN'TFJ) Office boy. abont 1 or 17 years of ge. Apply at once it 332 Bamnne street.
fice boy. Apply ft a. Lafayette Theater ar- cade entrance, Ltd. WANTED Two boy a apprentice, one of- WANTED Full skldier crew, timber fallers snd dunnage gang foreman. Don't write, hnt come at once.
Owl nayou I'vpres W. Strdr. I.S.. on I. R.
R. WANTED Three young men to run on train tie agens: long rnn: rood pay. Apply Van Company, opposite I'titon Stntjon. WAN11 1 1 Young n.eii to learn telegraphy and s'a'Son s-'conn's: good position as soon as through. Superintendent.
Box 12 Bastrop, I a. WAXTFTN AfeatCTttter to take position Jb. jl: ptust be first class and absolutely soier. i honest, nrnid and accurate. In lone ample rf-i eretH-es.
saving where yon have seen serrl'-e i snd name salary in first letter. Address P. E. Bri'ey. Fernwood, Mis.
YOt N'G MAX Few months with o. at little guarantee you good positioa. Writs TF! PGR AIM COJ.T.FC.F. i YOUNG mea for Taideville. Write J.
Morris A 4" Lincoln Inn Court, C1nc1r-sr. O. SITUATIONS WANTED TrTATf ACCOUNTANT will Bnd't. open snd close s. also keep hooks by contract; 20 year' -tence; reasonable charge.
8 28. Times- i rat. Bi' general nierchniidise store malinger, a position a manager: wiil bur half interest or become Interested In name; 12 years" now employed: reference A No rejiodenrlsl. Addre f.A. BY yo-ing man.
experienced bookkeeper, now empioyea. rut a cnanee: Best A dd 91. Tinse-Denorrat- F-oY wan position la office. Insurance or steamship office preferred. W' 4.
BY" ex-ie-ieneed tr-jck grewer as gardener or trn. farmer: at prnt smporH. hnt Toet to mar -hange shortly; beat reference. 8, Tlmes-Demncrat. COLORED man.
priyar preeaer! do extra rork; referenc. Dorwy. Pboo Uptown. FXPFRIFNCETI bkw(r'dMlm jnsH-Vi pod reference come at once, i. HIGH-CLASS bookkeeper want small set books, day or night.
63. Tlea-DrBnocrst..